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Allstate Security: Do Pools Need Security Guards?



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Public pools can benefit from having a security guard. However, a security guard is not a lifeguard and does not fulfill any legal requirements to have a lifeguard on duty. Lifeguards ensure the safety of swimmers in the water. Security guards at pools help to ensure the safety of everyone in and around the pool facility.

Security Guards Keep Pool Facilities Safe

While security guards do not do the job of a lifeguard, they can help ensure safety by enforcing 

Restrictions and access policies like age limits. 

Security guards provide a uniformed presence that keeps a local pool area from becoming a problem area. Pool guests who are doing illegal activities or creating a disturbance are bad for business. Guards stand ready to see that these types of people leave the premises and do not return. In extreme situations, they can work with police to have someone officially trespassed off of the property. 

Depending on the type and layout of the facility where the pool is located, there may be areas that are off-limits to pool guests. This is especially true, at schools, clubs, and hotels, where other areas may operate completely independently of the pool. In these cases, security guards will prevent pool guests from wandering into other areas, as well as directing those from the other areas away from the pool. 

Security Guards and Pool Parking Lots

Security guards are great at dealing with parking lot issues in almost any setting. They can provide a uniformed presence and direct traffic to keep everyone moving along and in order. They make excellent flaggers when the situation calls for it, such as a grand opening or occasion when everyone will show up at an appointed time. 

Security guards can patrol parking lots either with mobile patrols or on foot to keep people from loitering. They also help everyone feel safe, and can often help people with small issues like finding their way through to a specific area. Patrols also catch would-be thieves when the lot empties out and the guests are all at the pool.

Guards Secure Pool and Buildings After Hours

After regular operating hours, security guards play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity and safety of pool facilities. They conduct regular patrols throughout the property, checking that all entrance points are properly secured and no unauthorized individuals remain on the premises. This vigilant presence serves as a powerful deterrent against vandalism, theft, and trespassing that might otherwise occur during nighttime hours when the facility is vacant.

Additionally, guards ensure all buildings and equipment are protected from both human threats and environmental hazards. They verify that chemical storage areas are locked, pool covers are properly positioned, and all utilities are in appropriate overnight settings. Through comprehensive security logs and immediate response to any unusual activity, these professionals provide property owners peace of mind and significantly reduce costly repairs or liability issues that could result from after-hours incidents.

Hire Security Guards for Your Pool

Investing in professional security for your pool facility offers substantial returns in both safety and peace of mind. Beyond preventing accidents and deterring crime during operating hours, security guards provide critical protection when your property sits vacant overnight. Their vigilant presence safeguards your valuable assets, prevents unauthorized access, and maintains the integrity of your facility year-round.

While lifeguards focus on water safety during business hours, security personnel ensure comprehensive protection at all times. For pool owners looking to protect their investment and reputation, professional security services represent not just an expense, but a necessary safeguard against potentially devastating losses and liability issues.

To hire security guards for your pool, call Allstate Security at 619-369-3612 or visit them online here